The Equity Lab equips individuals and organizations to lead collective anti-racist action
2020 Catalyst Fund Awardee
Michelle Molitor
The Equity LabProgram
Catalyst FundLocation
United States
Race and equity leader Michelle Molitor catalyzes individuals and teams as change agents who can lead collective anti-racist actions in their organizations. Through fellowships and long-term partnerships, The Equity Lab empowers leaders at all levels to disrupt the institutions, structures, and systems that perpetuate racism and oppression, and is poised to grow across the country and bring others along in its vision for an equitable, antiracist society.
“Our work is to commit individuals and institutions to the shared promise of a fair and just society. Our vision is an equitable, anti-racist society.”
Michelle Molitor is the Founder and Executive Director of The Equity Lab, and has developed customized training for over 60 schools and institutions across the country. Molitor continuously updates the Lab’s methodology with a constant eye on how to best equip educators, as well as the Lab’s Fellows and leaders in the private and non-profit sectors with useful tools to address racism and bias. The Lab’s mission originally began in education in 2014 when Molitor founded the Fellowship for Race and Equity in Education (FREE) before expanding it for other sectors. "The most dangerous conversation about race," says Molitor, "is the one we don't have."
Increase in request for long-term engagements in 2020
Positive feedback from individual participants
Alumni of the Seeding Disruption Fellowship
The Equity Lab