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Anseye Pou Ayiti is lifting up local teachers so they can lift up Haiti

2018 Catalyst Fund Awardee
Jean-Claude Brizard
Catalyst Fund

Anseye Pou Ayiti (Teach For Haiti) is training cohorts of Haitian primary school teachers to alter the academic outcomes for the country’s children, improving the social and economic trajectory of their lives and society as a whole. Chaired by AGLN Fellow and former Chicago schools head Jean-Claude Brizard, APA has tailored the two-year Teach For fellowship model for Haiti to find success where foreign groups have struggled. By embracing local talent, local culture, the Haitian Creole language, and replacing rote learning with critical thinking skills, APA has set the ambitious goal of achieving a 100% primary school graduation rate within the next five years.

We were getting so much feedback from people who kept saying that community and culture should be integrated into the way we learn. We realized that that’s the exact opposite of what is happening in schools in Haiti at the time.

Nedgine Paul Deroly, Founder, Anseye Pou Ayiti


Jean-Claude Brizard was born in Port-au-Prince, fleeing the country as a child with his family when they were targeted by Haiti’s then-dictator Duvalier. After attaining degrees in Chemistry, Science Education from Queens College, and School Administration and Supervision from City College in New York, Jean-Claude had a distinguished career in education, eventually becoming the head of Chicago Public Schools and served as deputy director for the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Jean Claude is currently the President and CEO of Digital Promise.

Partner schools in 2019
Passing rate in APA classrooms; double the national average
Applications to become teachers in 2019

Students being taught by a Anseye Pou Ayiti teacher

Young pupils

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